Why Ethan Rabidoux Left the Conservative Party and Joined the NDP
- A Reminder of All the Reasons Why We Do What We Do
Here's a quote to pique your interest:
"The public is understandably cynical. All I can say is give us a shot. Lend us your support. If we turn out to be no better than the other two then you can go back to the other two in a couple of years. If the NDP cannot rise above Patrick Brazeau, Mike Duffy and Nigel Wright or Alphonso Gagliano, Chuck Guite and Jean Lafleur then we'll deserve to be tossed out of power. I'm not overly concerned. The bar has not been set very high. Canadians deserve far better. The NDP will deliver."
Ethan Rabidoux is "ready to be the next Member of Parliament for Perth-Wellington."
For the full article, http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/ethan-rabidoux/ethan-rabidoux_b_6277876.html