Sunday, 27 January 2013

2013 Okanagan Shuswap NDP AGM Set For February 10, 2013


Okanagan Shuswap NDP 2013 AGM

Date: Sunday, February 10                                                           Place: Sunset Coronation Hall,
Time: 2 pm                                                                                                       3005 Wood Avenue, Armstrong, BC                            (formerly the Odd Fellows Hall)

The business meeting will consist of reports and elections of 2013 executive

Guest speakers and refreshments

Preparing for the 2013 National convention:
1.  Delegate selection process
        Okanagan Shuswap is allocated delegates who can vote at the April 14-16 national convention in Montreal. If you wish to be considered for a position, please either attend the meeting or make a request in writing.
2. Resolutions from Okanagan Shuswap NDP members
        NDP members may submit resolutions for consideration at the convention. Please bring your written resolutions to the meeting for the membership to consider, or submit them by email to

Friday, 4 January 2013

Colin Mayes in the news

It's not often that the Toronto media mentions our MP in a story, so it's worth paying attention when they do. See what the Toronto Sun has to say in this January 3rd, 2013 article.